A4 Class of 93

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Tunangan Tia and Oliver

Dear Tia and Oliver.. Congrats ya ! We are happy very for you.

Kumpul2 di Viany + Tunangannya Tia and Oliver

Pendaftaran Kumpul2:

Hasil konfirmasi Jeng Viany

  • Alex pingin single lagi. Gishka ditinggal krn tante Viany belum punya anak jadi nggak punya "fasilitas' utk menghibur si anak. Alex worry kalau2 malah si anak nguping ttg reputasi mamanya semasa SMA.
  • Incha datang bersama Ruben barunya eh.. suami barunya...- Suzan chicken di-drop suaminya krn it's his badminton day
  • Laurent bersama hubby-nya
  • Gue..... mau invite seorang teman baik... tapi just friend lho. Anak-nya rame n sudah akrab dgn mbak Mia n Mbak Korry tuh...
  • Sidi diajak lah Sit, gue seneng liat dia makan lahap pdhl badannya kurus. He he he.... Salam ya untuk si mas itu.
    Bagus Sit! Jgn bawa brokoli cah babi ya he he he...

Oya A4ers, keberatan gak kalo gue ajak non-A4ers? Si Yetty tuh gatel minta diundang kalo kita ketemuan. Maklum... sisterhood juga A3-nya udah gak jalan.. juga gue mau ajak Tita dan Sisca Qting. Mrk belum gue undang sih jadi blm tau bisa dtg apa nggak. What do you think???


Sukses ! A4 CLub + Hubby Club + Kid Club [see attached pictures] Acara dilanjutkan dengan pesta pertunangan Tia and Oliver ! Wow.. Lots of happinnes in One Day.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Virsa_Ruben [November 27'04] Posted by Hello

Virsa and Ruben Day

Saturday, November 27'04

Ben, Thank you for letting me see that what so called "LOVE" is so rich and powerful by showing me your love in so many different ways. Life is full of rhyme and fragrance, never know what the future brings, but I know you stand here beside me to make those meaningful.

One of my biggest fear in my life is choosing the wrong one when I know the right one. Fear of making mistake when I have to choose among diamond and candy. Fear the sweet of candy makes me forget the everlasting beauty of diamond. With God's grace, He gives me courage and wisdom to choose the right one that I won't regret for the rest of my life. I won't regret by choosing you, Virsa, to be the one I'm going to get old with, because you are my diamond, my everlasting diamond.

Virsa, one of the brightest one in Class. [A4-33] Ruben, one of the luckiest man on earth :D
Congrats dear, may your new path with ruben bring you happiness ever after.

A4 Cabang Depok

Lila, A4 nomer absen 6.
ini foto sama laki and anak gue.
the mister is Leonardus Adi, the daughter is Maria Larasati Widiarso
